Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Update: The Journey Traveled So Far...

There never seems to be quite enough time in the day anymore to solve all of the problems when faced with the challenge of examining the intrinsic techniques of being a great software engineer. Despite that feeling, I feel that there have been several things that I have learned up to this point that will bring me that much closer to an understanding to what it means to be such from the techniques I have both examined and applied so far. These questions are only a few in number but they are representative of how far I have traveled and also just a hint at the direction that I will be traveling in.

1. What are some of the common types of problems that Configuration Management are good at solving?
If you have problems such as (but not limited to): (a) Not being able to reproduce a bug that was witnessed in your own copy of the system, (b) Unable to determine what happened to your fix of the code, although it was fixed at a time prior to your being unable to determine and (c) If you wonder if a bug you saw is fixed within the copy of the system you have, then configuration management will be useful!

2. How does CVS solve the three classical problems that configuration management faces?
For issues with double maintenance,CVS has a centralized repository with a single master copy of each file.
For issues with shared data, CVS allows multiple developers to create local copies of that master copy to work on.
For issues with simultaneous updates, CVS allows multiple developers the ability to edit files simultaneously and CVS creates a "merged" file with all the changes.

3. What are three scalability issues build systems face?
Modularity, Incrementality, and Coupling

4. What is the responsibility of the *.build.xml file?
The *.build.xml file is responsible for implementing support for single functions such as checkstyle,jar,Javadoc,PMD, and Distribution?

5. In a version control system, what is a "delta" representative of?
"Deltas" are a representation of the difference in the versions of files.

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